[Video] Q31, 32: Which choice best illustrates the claim made earlier in the sentence with information from the table? and which choice provides accurate information from the table to support the point made in the sentence?

Answer Choices

  • the total number of psychologists is expected to increase to 12 percent from 2012 to 2022,

  • there will be almost 1,000 more jobs in I/O psychology by 2022

  • there were only about 1,600 I/O psychologists in 2012

  • the total number of psychologists in 2022 is projected to be 178,900

Explanation for Questions 31, 32 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 31 is going to be dealing with examining this chart 2 and question 32 is going to be doing the same thing is gonna be 3 doing it in a slightly different way. So I'm going to talk through both 4 of these questions for you guys. And we're going to examine how these two 5 sharp questions are asking us to analyze this chart in two different ways 6 that you're going to see on the sat. 7 So option 31 says which choice best illustrates the claim made earlier in 8 the sentence with information from the table. 9 This sentence reads the us bureau of labor statistics reports that IO psychologists 10 will relatively small field. The total number of psychologists is expected to increase 12% 11 from 2012 to 2022. So you hit a question like this, 12 and sometimes what you might think when you come to these statistic questions is 13 okay. 14 I just got to find the answer to this. It's actually right based on 15 the table, but that would be wrong in this case. 16 And that's because all of these answer choices are factually correct from the table. 17 That's because this question is just asking us to analyze the table, 18 like see what it's right. It's asking us to pick the choice that best 19 illustrates the claim made earlier in the sentence with 20 information from the table. What said earlier in the sentence is that the U 21 S bureau of labor statistics reports that IO psychology is still relatively small field. 22 So you want to show that Iowa psychology shown in the ...

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