[Video] Q22: The writer wants a conclusion that emphasizes how simone sought to motivate members of her audience to take political action of their own. which choice best accomplishes this goal?

Explanation for Question 22 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys, question 22 reads. 2 The writer wants a conclusion that emphasizes how Simone, 3 uh, sought to motivate members of her audience to take political action of their 4 own, which choice best accomplishes this goal. 5 So this is coming at the end of the entire passage and questions like 6 these can sometimes be a little bit intimidating. 7 Uh, don't get scared by them. What you need to do is just pay 8 attention to the question and then dig into the answer choices. 9 The question says directly, she wants a, 10 the writer wants a conclusion emphasizes how Simone sought 11 to motivate members of her audience to take political 12 action of their own boom, 13 simple, straightforward. We need to find the answer choice that does that focus on 14 that. Okay. So let's look at these answer choices. 15 Go, go at the top. These has Simone was in legend, 16 New York city in 1971 to receive a combination from the Congress of racial equality 17 for her musical work. 18 Does this have anything to do with her motivating and members of her audience 19 to take political action on their own? I don't think so. 20 Let's get an X on that. C says Simone eventually left the United States, 21 but she continued to bruise music that made her a worldwide phenomenon has nothing 22 to do with her encouraging ma uh, 23 her members of her audience to take political action on their own. 24 Just talking about her, leaving the U S B says in a fitting term, 25 Simone, encourage listeners, 26 her audience t...

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