[Video] Q20: Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

Answer Choices

  • events so dismayed Simone that in 1964 she wrote and performed

  • events dismayed Simone

  • in 1964 Simone wrote and performed

  • events, to her dismay, caused her in 1964 to write and perform

  • events, dismaying her, caused her in 1964 to write and perform

Explanation for Question 20 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys, question 20 asks us which choice most effectively combines 2 the sentences at the underlined portion. 3 So these sentences read the events. 4 This made Simone, imagine 64, 5 she ordered performed her first protest song to express her anguish. 6 So we want to connect the sentence that says that the events, 7 this made her to the fact that she wrote and performed, 8 um, her first protest song and I can 64. 9 So our answer choices give, say, events, 10 uh, the events. So dismayed Simone, that in 1964, 11 she wrote in performed the first protest song to express her anguish. 12 So I should have said this a second ago, but when we're approaching these 13 questions what's good to do is focus on eliminating, 14 uh, redundancy and, um, 15 not, you know, be using, uh, 16 unnecessary, actual wording. Want to cut down on an actual wording. 17 We don't run it one or Peter selves. 18 We don't want to use unnecessary punctuation and adds extra pauses. 19 And I would say that option a, it seems to do that perfectly. 20 It doesn't seem to be giving us anything extra. It doesn't seem to be 21 EO going over the top. Um, it just seems to say that the events 22 of this made some, uh, so dismayed Simone, 23 then that 64, she went and performed, uh, 24 this. Um, but we can take a look at our other answer choices to 25 figure this out. The, uh, this says option B says the events, 26 this made Simone and then a C4 Simone wrote and performed blank. 27 And the problem with this one is that we...

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