[Video] Q13: Increase or enlarge or advance or elaborate

Answer Choices

  • increase

  • enlarge

  • advance

  • elaborate

Explanation for Question 13 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys, question 13 is going to be dealing within idiom. 2 Um, and so you may have heard me talk about idioms for, 3 uh, I'm just going to run through the concept again, but real quick, 4 let's take a look at our sentence here. This says, 5 uh, you know, cutting off the unimportant bits, um, 6 where should we start there? It says other artists look for ways to use 7 their skills, to increase the cause of civil rights. 8 So we take a look at our answer choices here, 9 and all of these seem to be saying kind of the same thing increase 10 in large advance. Uh, 11 elaborate that with maybe a little bit more out there, 12 but all of them seem to be saying something similar and this might be 13 confusing when you hit a question like this, 14 you might be confused when you get questions like this in general on sat. 15 And remember, we're always saying, don't go with what sounds right? 16 Uh, 99% of the time, it's not going to work for you. 17 And SATs actually writes questions that make you want to pick answer choices that 18 are wrong, just because they might sound right. 19 If you read them to yourself quickly out loud, but there's just something called 20 idioms, which are just commonly used phrases and, 21 um, you know, word choices when it comes to, 22 um, you know, sort of phrasing, 23 sorry, I'm being a little redundant there. Um, 24 it's just the commonly used way something is said, 25 and that can be kind of confusing to study for, because it's like, 26 well, how the heck...

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