[Video] Q42: According to the passage, americans quickly turn against the elected leaders they had recently idolized because americans

Explanation for Question 42 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 42 asks us, 2 according to the passage, Americans quickly turn against the elected leaders. 3 They had recently idolized because Americans blank. 4 So we can jump back to find the part where he was talking about 5 Americans, um, idolizing these people and then switching their views, 6 which comes around here. He's saying because, 7 um, any man who attains a high place among you from the present downwards 8 may date his downfall from that moment for any printed lie that any notorious 9 villain pens, although it militate directly against the character and conduct of a life 10 appeals at once your distrust and is believed you'll strain and not blah, 11 blah, blah. Uh, the answer in variably the same there's freedom of opinion here. 12 You know, every man thinks from a cipher not to be easily overreached that's 13 our people come to be suspicious. So it's saying that, 14 especially right here, it's perfect. 15 And even uses the word idol that you're inconstancy as past due proverb for 16 Americans, no sooner set up an idol firmly. 17 We know sooner make a Scott new Geier president than we are to pull 18 him down and dash them into fragments. So as soon as we make this 19 guy or idle, then we're like, nah, this guy sucks. 20 We don't, we hate him now pull him down. 21 And that seems to be an issue. So, 22 um, it seems to be that this, 23 it has to do with like their worthiness to be in the spot as 24 an idol is kind of what they're saying. So let's see that, ...

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