Explanation for Questions 40, 41 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat
Hey guys. So questions 40 and 41 are going to be a joint question. 2 We're going to have to use in text evidence, 3 supplier answer. Now question 40 says in the passage to can imply thickens 4 implies that American political leaders are often blink. 5 So what I want us to do before we look at these answer choices 6 is run through these and we need to find these lines where Dickens is 7 talking about American political leaders, 8 and then find what he says off of that. So we can get rid 9 of lines where American, where he's not talking about American political leaders, 10 um, based on these. So let's start at the top with 39 to 43 39 11 to 43, excuse me, let me move myself over here. 12 There nine to 43 says, uh, you carry, 13 uh, it says by repelling worthy men from your legislative assemblies, 14 it has bred up a class of candidates for the suffrage who in their 15 very act disgrace your institution and your people's choice. 16 So this really seems to be directly tied to American elected officials. 17 It's saying by repelling worthy men from your legislative assemblies, 18 by not electing worthy men, it has made this new class of candidates who 19 are disgracing our institutions and our people's choices. 20 So this, this answer choice seems to really fit in. 21 So let's just put like a little positive squiggling next to that, 22 and look at our other ones. See if those, um, 23 also talk about, um, his views on American political leaders, 24 43 to 45 says it has rendered view...