Explanation for Question 36 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat
Hey guys. So question 36 asks us, 2 asks us as using line 18 regard. 3 Most nearly means plank. So what I want us to do is go back 4 to the passage, find regard from place with our own word. 5 Before we even look at these answer choices, line 18 reads. 6 Um, I never was so one upon here on market here, 7 uh, starting like here to down here. 8 I never was so one upon as by this class. 9 So this group of people has never felt so like, you know, enthused by 10 never yielded up my full confidence and esteem so readily and pleasurably, 11 he feels very confident and esteemed, 12 um, and feel, it feels great esteem for these people very quickly as 13 to them never can make again in half a year. 14 So many friends he's made so many friends for whom I seem to entertain 15 the regard of half a life. 16 So he seems to already have saying I've never met so many people that 17 I so quickly hold in such high respect and 18 entertain the regard of half a life. 19 What he's saying here is that he seems to let me, 20 let's just kind of think about it. He's saying and half a year or 21 so, I was saying I can never make again in half year, 22 half a year or so, so many friends, 23 so many close acquaintances for whom he seems to entertain the idea, 24 um, of half a life, 25 like regard them, uh, in a really, 26 um, significant way as if these people are people who are going to be 27 important to him for a very long time and someone who wants to consider 28 well. So that's, that's kind of how I...