[Video] Q35: Which choice provides the best evidence for the idea that americans too readily accept unfounded criticism of their elected leaders?

Explanation for Question 35 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 35 asks us which choice provides 2 the best evidence for the idea that Americans to readily accept unfounded 3 criticism of their elected leaders. So this is one of the questions where they 4 just give us the lions and we got to jump back. And there's not 5 a question before it, so we need to just go read through these and 6 find which one is talking about Americans being too ready to accept unfounded 7 criticism of their leaders that they elected an into place. 8 So let's start with lines seven to 13 from they to friends. 9 This says they are by nature. 10 Frank brave, cordial, hospitable and affectionate cultivation, 11 and refinements seemed about to enhance their warmth of heart and ardent enthusiasm. 12 And as the possession of these latter qualities in a most remarkable degree, 13 which renders and educated American, and one of the most enduring and most generous 14 of friends this year doesn't have anything to do with the election 15 of government. 16 Officials are Americans distrusting them. So let's go back and instantly cross it out. 17 This is just super complimentary. It's not about Americans too readily accepting unfound criticism 18 of their leaders. Let's 13 to 18 now. 19 And that goes from I to never to life. 20 This says I never was. So one upon as by this class, 21 never yielded upon my full confidence and esteem. 22 So readily and pleasurably as to them never can make again, 23 half a year or so. So many friends for whom I seem to ente...

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