Explanation for Question 12 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat
Hey guys. So question 12 asks us which choice best represents the different meanings 2 of simple as who's in line 27 36. 3 So this is just any other questions we're going to get about properties that 4 vocabulary for this one, where you have to do it twice. 5 So what I want us to do with any of these sorts of questions 6 is go back to those lines, take the word simple within them and replace 7 with our own word. And let's see what matches up. 8 So start with line 27 and 27 down here 9 says the task was simple but novel. 10 Okay? So the task was something that was easy, 11 you know, clear and obvious, but, 12 uh, new to them is what this is telling us. 13 The next is line 36 on Thursday, 14 says science. Doesn't always tell simple stories and other researchers challenged triplets groundbreaking 15 results. So I would say here, simple as saying science, 16 doesn't always tell non-complicated story. 17 So there was always tell clear stories. Sometimes the stories can be a bit 18 confusing. So let's take a look at our options here. 19 It seems that, um, 20 option a has a saying easiest and these tasks were easy and simple. 21 That seems to fit in with what we said and straight forward stories seems 22 to also fall in line saying science. 23 Doesn't always tell a straight forward stories. Sometimes they're not so simple. 24 Sometimes they're difficult and these stories can get confusing. 25 So option any seems to fit great for us here, 26 cyclic, but the other ones though, this says mindless and sincere. 27 It's not really about the sincerity of these stories. 28 So that option is going to be wrong. C says effortless and humble. 29 Once again, this didn't seem like these are humble stories. 30 Um, that science is not telling us that seems to be wrong. 31 Option D says innocent. 32 Um, and once again, it, in some of these tasks are innocent and more 33 seems like they're easy. So that answer traits is going to be wrong. 34 Living option a is the correct.