Explanation for Question 17 From the Math (Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat
Question 17 says the function F is defined above. 2 If the function G is defined by G of X is equal to F 3 of X plus five, what is the value of G of three? 4 So that means that you have three is just going to be F three 5 plus five. So I'm going to write G of X as X, 6 times X plus five plus five because it's F of X plus 7 five. So to find you three, 8 all we have to do is plug in three for X. 9 So three times three plus five, 10 which is eight plus five is equal to G of X three times 11 eight is 24. Plus five is equal to 29 so 12 that we know that the answer is.