[Video] Q16: Question 16 from the math (calc) section of 2018 march sat

Explanation for Question 16 From the Math (Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat

Question 16 says the figure above represents a rectangular painting 2 with a frame that is two inches wide, the expression two X squared minus 3 X, minus four times two X Y the score represents the area of 4 the frame in square inches. What is the quantity? 5 X minus four times two X minus four in the expression represent. 6 So we know that's a fine, 7 the area of the frame. They would have to find the, 8 they would have to multiply the length times, the width of the frame and 9 subtract the length times, 10 the width of the picture area, 11 which means that whatever's being subtracted is the area of 12 the inner frame. So we know that two X squared 13 is the length times, the width of the outer frame and X minus four 14 times two X, Y S four is the area of that inner area that 15 we're subtracting. So that means that the answer is C the area in square 16 inches of the interactive.

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