Explanation for Question 12 From the Math (Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat
Question 12 asks, which of the following is a solution to the equation below. 2 So I'm just going to take these possible solutions and plug in those numbers. 3 So first route 14, minus negative two, 4 that's just plus two plus two is equal to ax. 5 This becomes route 16. Plus two is equal to negative two 6 and four. Plus two is equal to negative. 7 Two six is not equal to negative two. 8 So we know one is incorrect as is a N D. 9 Now I can do this again with plugging in what? 10 So when we plug in one, we get 14 minus one, 11 which is 13. Plus two is equal to one, 12 and we know that that's going to be greater than one. 13 So we know that two is incorrect and B is incorrect, 14 which means it must be answer choice C but I'm going to plug it 15 in just to show you why that is. So root 14 minus five, 16 plus two is equal to five 14 minus five is nine. 17 So nine plus two is equal to positive five and route nine 18 is equal to three, three plus two is equal to five. 19 So we know that three is the only one that's correct. 20 And therefore see as the right answer.