[Video] Q11: Question 11 from the math (calc) section of 2018 march sat

Explanation for Question 11 From the Math (Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat

Question 11 says the scatterplot above shows the relationship between the amount 2 of dietary cholesterol in milligrams and the amount of total fat in grams 3 in the 12 sandwiches offered by a certain restaurant. 4 The line of best fit predicts. The amount of total fat sandwich has based 5 on the amount of dietary cholesterol and the sandwich. 6 How many grams of total fat are in the sandwich for which this prediction 7 is the most accurate? So this is asking us at what point is the 8 line of best fit most accurate. And that answer is pretty clear. 9 There's only one point where the line of best fit goes straight through it. 10 And that's this point right here when the total fat is 60 grams. 11 And since that is an answer choice, we know that that's the answer, 12 answer choice D.

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