[Video] Q43: No change or that or and or delete the underlined portion.

Answer Choices


  • that

  • and

  • DELETE the underlined portion.

Explanation for Question 43 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

So for question number 43, we're looking at this sentence right here, 2 which says that these skills are transferable across professions, 3 which makes them especially beneficial to 21st century students. 4 So the first thing I want to point out is that we can eliminate 5 one answer right off the bat, which is which, 6 because when you have a, which you always need to have a comma in 7 front of it. And since, as it's written, 8 there is no comma answer twice a can't be correct. 9 And now we have our other answer choices here, 10 write that and, or delete. And so if we go back to the beginning 11 of the sentence, this is where we're going to see what we need to 12 use, because the sentence begins with that, 13 that these skills are transferable across professions. 14 And because it begins with that, we don't want to say that again, 15 right. 16 We basically took the word that we would put here and we actually started 17 the sentence with it. So if we say that twice, 18 it would read that these skills are transferable across professions that makes them especially 19 beneficial. And you don't want to say that twice. 20 It makes the sentence not flow very well. Right? 21 And additionally, a also takes away the flow of the sentence. 22 It really separates it, um, in a way that doesn't make a lot of 23 sense. It says that these skills are transferable across professions and makes 24 them especially beneficial if you had, 25 and you would have wanted to have another, 26 that you cou...

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