[Video] Q27: No change or in addition to equipment, or for these reasons, or likewise,

Answer Choices


  • In addition to equipment,

  • For these reasons,

  • Likewise,

Explanation for Question 27 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

So question number 27 is a transition word question. 2 And when we have a transition or question, we want to start by looking 3 at the sentence before the transition and then the sentence after and see how 4 they relate to each other. And that will help us figure out how we 5 want to link them together. Now, 6 our first sentence says that the spaces are usually stocked with standard office 7 equipment, such as video photocopiers printers and fax machines. 8 So here we're explaining what is in the space, 9 right? What do we store there? And then afterwards 10 we say the spaces often include small meeting areas and 11 larger meeting rooms, right? So not only do they have these office equipment pieces, 12 but they also have, uh, spaces to host presentations. 13 And now if we look at our sense as it is right with answer 14 choice, a we have however, and you only want to use, 15 however, if there is an explicit contrast, 16 if there's a conflict between the two sentences, 17 we see here, these, these sentences aren't going against each other. 18 They were both on the same topic. They were both talking about what the 19 room is used for. They're just kind of adding on to each other, 20 right? It's used for storage and it's used for hosting presentations. 21 So however it doesn't work here because there's, 22 there's no disagreement between the two sentences now C says 23 for these reasons, so that kind of implies causation, 24 right? That's like, cause and effect. That's like sayin...

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