[Video] Q2: Which choice provides the most relevant detail?

Answer Choices


  • supplement and convert it into gas to use as fuel in electricity production.

  • supplement, while sweet whey is more desirable as a food additive for humans.

  • supplement, which provides an important element of their diet.

Explanation for Question 2 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

No question two asks which choice provides the most relevant detail. 2 And so in order to know which details the most relevant, 3 we have to have an idea of the context of what's happening here. 4 And so that's why it's important to read above the sentence and below the 5 sentence. So we can start right here because it requires time to go up 6 to four times more milk to make. 7 Then convectional yogurt does Greek yogurt produces larger, 8 massive acid way, which is difficult to dispose of to address the problem 9 of disposal. Farmers have found a number of uses for acid way. 10 They can add it up to the livestock feed as protein supplement and people 11 can make their own Greek style yogurt at home by straining regular Greek yogurt. 12 So we can see that from here to here. 13 What we're really talking about is acid way. 14 So we want to detail that is on topic with that. 15 And if we look at the detail that we have right now, 16 it doesn't mention acid way. It talks about people making their own Greek yogurt 17 by straining regular Greek yogurt. And so that's really more of a side detail, 18 but it's not on topic with this, 19 right? With the discussion of acid way. So a is no good B 20 says that we can supplement and convert it into gas as a fuel in 21 electricity production. So this makes sense because it is referring to the acid 22 way and they're talking about a different way that you can use it so 23 that it's not wasteful, right? So B is actually on topic here. 24 Now C...

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