[Video] Q16: No change or thaw; and it was or thaw: or thaw: being

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  • thaw; and it was

  • thaw:

  • thaw: being

Explanation for Question 16 From the Writing Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

So for question 16, we're looking at the sentence right here, 2 which says, but Jason box and associate professor of geology at Ohio state believes 3 that another factor added to the early thought the dark snow problem. 4 And so what we can notice this happening here is that at first we're 5 saying that there's another factor that added to the early thought. 6 And we know now that that other factor was the dark snow problem. 7 So we're taking an idea from earlier in the sense what this factor is, 8 and we're giving more information about what the factor is, 9 right? And so what we can think about this as being 10 is an explanation, an explanation, 11 and perhaps a little bit of emphasis, 12 right? Because they could have just said another factor was the dark snow problem, 13 but they wanted to put it separately. They wanted to emphasize the dark snow 14 problem. 15 And when we think about something like this, 16 there are really two ways that we can go about creating this emphasis and 17 explaining something further. You can use a colon, 18 or you can use a dash. You don't usually want to use a semi-colon 19 for something like this, because a semi-colon always has to go between two 20 independent clauses. There aren't really any exceptions to that. 21 And the phrase, the dark snow problem right here is a dependent 22 clause because it lacks a verb. So using a semi-colon here is not 23 really going to work. Right? So a is no good. 24 Um, we have B here, 25 we'll see about B ha...

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