[Video] Q50, 51: The author of passage 2 would most likely respond to the discussion of the future of space mining in lines 18-28, passage 1, by claiming that such a future , and which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?

Answer Choices

  • is inconsistent with the sustainable use of space resources.

  • will be difficult to bring about in the absence of regulations.

  • cannot be attained without technologies that do not yet exist.

  • seems certain to affect Earth’s economy in a negative way.

  • Lines 60-63 (“Some . . . pristine”)

  • Lines 74-76 (“The resources . . . Earth”)

  • Lines 81-83 (“One . . . avoided”)

  • Lines 85-87 (“Without . . . insecure”)

Explanation for Questions 50, 51 From the Reading Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

Okay. So we have number 50 here and we're going to do 51 at 2 the same time. Cause it's buy one, get one free question. So 50 says 3 the author passage two would most likely respond to the discussion of the future 4 of space mining in lines, 18 to 2 28, 5 by claiming that such a future. What, so what, 6 what? 18 to 28 sick let's go back 18 to 28 was talking 7 about all about how, um, 8 these companies have already created these projects. 9 They're very interested in space mining. They've already kind of created, 10 um, spaceships and you know, 11 things like this that could launch into this. So what would our guys, 12 what would to pass it to guys say to this, remember passage, 13 two guy was concerned about this. 14 He was concerned about how the United States and Australia and any country could just 15 like go ahead and like launch their own space project. 16 And he talks about those concerns in the last paragraph, 17 right? So we know where to find the evidence in the last paragraph, 18 because the last paragraph, the conclusion paragraph, which talks about how he thinks there 19 needs to be some sort of like rules or some sort of regulation. 20 So we can already kind of get rid of any evidence that's not in 21 the last paragraph. Okay. And so let's read 22 this space monitors, like the early counterparts are often reluctant to engage with such 23 questions of like, we should need rules and stuff. 24 Once we get our last week's conference concluded with a plea, 25 that reg...

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