[Video] Q46: What function does the discussion of water in lines 35-40 serve in passage 1?

Answer Choices

  • It continues an extended comparison that begins in the previous paragraph.

  • It provides an unexpected answer to a question raised in the previous paragraph.

  • It offers hypothetical examples supporting a claim made in the previous paragraph.

  • It examines possible outcomes of a proposal put forth in the previous paragraph.

Explanation for Question 46 From the Reading Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

So 46 is asking what function does the discussion of water in lines, 2 35 through 42. So remember this paragraph is where 3 we introduced the idea that water could be taken from these space stations or 4 from, or from space. But this pair of actually explains the uses of water. 5 It's actually explaining to us why water matters. 6 What can we use it for? We can use it for fuel. 7 We can use it for drinking, right? 8 So this basically you need this paragraph to explain the, 9 like, why this paragraph matters, like why to explain the application of the other 10 paragraph. So we're using it to explain the paragraph before it, 11 um, so all of a through D talks about the previous 12 paragraph, so let's, let's read them. So, eh, does it continue and extended comparison 13 that begins in the previous paragraph? We're not talking about a comparison. 14 We're just introducing the idea of water B. 15 It provides an unexpected answer to a question raised in the previous paragraph. 16 There was no question raised in the previous paragraph, right? We just said, 17 okay, water is something that we can use, um, 18 or collect from space. See, it offers examples, 19 supporting a claim made in the previous paragraph. 20 Well, yes, this is all true. The previous paragraph made the claim that water 21 is something that we could use or get from space mining. 22 And then the paragraph after that had examples of how we would actually use 23 the water for fuel for drinking, 24 right? Da offers examines possible outcomes or proposal. 25 There's no proposal put forth. There's no approximate outcome for put forth, 26 right? So the best way to describe this is that it is a claim 27 in the first paragraph in this paragraph right after it is examples to support 28 the claim.

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