[Video] Q42: In lines 9-17, the author of passage 1 mentions several companies primarily to

Answer Choices

  • note the technological advances that make space mining possible.

  • provide evidence of the growing interest in space mining.

  • emphasize the large profits to be made from space mining.

  • highlight the diverse ways to carry out space mining operations.

Explanation for Question 42 From the Reading Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

Okay. So number 42 says in lines, 2 917, the author passage, one mentioned several companies. 3 Why, why are we mentioning several companies? Let's look at those lines nine through 4 17. Um, 5 and that starts here, right? 6 So forum, um, 7 comes hot on the heels of the 2012 and feeling of two private asteroid 8 mining firms. Um, and he named all the companies and he talks about another 9 one. He says, you know, another commercial venture that sprung up in 2012, 10 we'll be offering trips to the moon. Okay. So why is he mentioning these 11 companies? Right? What is happening right before that he talks about, 12 you know, why space mining is becoming popular in the first place. 13 And then after that, he talks about what these companies can do. 14 Um, so the reason why I'm mentioning companies, 15 right? It's probably, so he can just show that, like, this is a real 16 phenomenon that people are actually interested in. 17 It's not just like, oh, him thinking like this is possibly 18 something that people will be interested in. No, it's an actual thing. 19 It was held at a conference. Companies have already started investing in it. 20 So it's really, the purpose is to show that there is a real future 21 in this, in this industry and that companies have already invested. 22 So there's a lot of interest by companies. 23 So it's really to provide evidence of that. Um, 24 and so that's really what B is saying. It's saying, providing evidence that there's 25 growing interest in space,...

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