[Video] Q33: The central claim of the passage is that

Answer Choices

  • educated women face a decision about how to engage with existing institutions.

  • women can have positions of influence in English society only if they give up some of their traditional roles.

  • the male monopoly on power in English society has had grave and continuing effects.

  • the entry of educated women into positions of power traditionally held by men will transform those positions.

Explanation for Question 33 From the Reading Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

Okay, so I'm 33 is also a question that's asking basically just the main 2 idea, the, the, like the main, um, 3 you know, purpose or main central and claim of the passage center claim is 4 basically saying the main argument. So what was the main argument of the passage? 5 The argument was, you know, women now are able to take up space in 6 society, right? Um, they can now enter these traditionally male dominated 7 institutions. And now the question is, how do they do it? So a, 8 is it that educated women now face a decision about how to engage with 9 existing institutions? That sounds like a really good answer, 10 right? Existing institutions are institutions like colleges, 11 workplaces, things like that, that have existed for men that women 12 now are able to interact with. But the thing is how do they do 13 it? So it's, it's, it's a passage about how educated women are facing this 14 decision. 15 Now, how should they end up, um, 16 interacting with these types of institutions that have traditionally been dominated by men? 17 Why is it not the other let's look at B B women can have 18 positions of influence only think about some of their traditional roles. 19 It didn't talk about them giving up traditional roles, right? 20 That was not piece of this passage. See the male anomaly on parenting to 21 decide he has grave and continue with X. 22 We aren't talking about the effects of male power. 23 We're talking about women here, D the entry of here, 24 women in positions of power, traditionally held by men will transform these positions. 25 We haven't talked about if the tra the positions of teacher versus professor versus 26 doctor are going to change at all, we're asking ourselves, 27 how do women enter this, enter these fields after so long being banned from 28 them. So that's, that's the.

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