[Video] Q15: The “social psychologists” mentioned in paragraph 2 (lines 17-34) would likely describe the “deadweight loss” phenomenon as

Answer Choices

  • predictable.

  • questionable.

  • disturbing.

  • unprecedented.

Explanation for Question 15 From the Reading Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

Okay, so for number 15, it says the social psychologist that we mentioned in 2 paragraph two, how would they feel about the dead white loss phenomenon? 3 Would they think it's predictable or questionable, disturbing or unprecedented? 4 Um, just based on what I read, 5 I already don't really think it's C or D, but let's, 6 let's go ahead and find evidence, right? 7 So let's read paragraph two and see how they would feel about the dead 8 weight loss. So we're looking for social psychologists, 9 um, anthropologist described gift giving as a positive social process, 10 serving various functions, economists, however, 11 offer a less positive view, less favorable view. 12 According to while door finagle gift giving represents an objective 13 waste of resources. People buy gifts that they want, 14 and they honestly would help buy on their own. And, 15 um, they wouldn't spend as much money to buy. Uh, 16 to Wiki givers are looking to spend a hundred dollars to purchase a gift 17 that receivers would spend only $80 by themselves. 18 This deadweight loss. So just like if givers are not very good at predicting 19 what gifts others will appreciate. And now it's not until this point line 30 20 that we bring up the social psychologists that in itself is not surprising to 21 social psychologists. They think it's not okay. This is like literally where the answer 22 is, right? This is it's written in black and white social psychologists predict 23 this social psychologists are not surprised by this. 24 So to say that they're, um, 25 thinking it's unprecedented or disturbing or questionable, 26 no, they're not surprised by it. They predicted it. So it's predictable and you 27 get that information right from the passage. 28 Um, so that's the answer.

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