[Video] Q16: If t > 0 and t^2 − 4 = 0, what is the value of t?

Explanation for Question 16 From the Math (No Calc) Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

So question number 16 is asking us to solve for the value of T 2 and they give us this equation here. We'll worry about the T being greater 3 than zero at the end, but basically we can notice that this is a 4 difference of squares, 5 right in the first hint is that there's only two terms, 6 there's a square number and a normal number. And then I can square root 7 both of these and get a perfect number, right? 8 Because the square root of T squared is just T and 9 then the square root of four is two. So I put the teas in 10 the front, the twos in the back, and then, because it's a difference of 11 squares. I need to put a minus in one bubble and a plus in 12 the other. And now if I solve these, 13 if I set T minus two equal to zero and T plus two 14 equals zero, I solve for T I get the T is equal to two 15 here, and I get to use equal to negative two here, 16 but they want the T that is greater than zero, 17 right? So this negative two won't work out. 18 And our answer has to be two.

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