[Video] Q4: 16x + 4x is 10 more than 14, what is the value of x 8 ?

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Explanation for Question 4 From the Math (Calc) Section on the Official Sat Practice Test 1

So number four, we're going to try to make an equation using the information 2 that they've given us in the question. And in the question, 3 they tell us that 16 plus four X is 10 more than 14. 4 So if something is 10 more than 14, 5 right? 10 more than 14, it's just 10. 6 Good back there. It's just 10 plus 14, 7 which is 24. So 16 plus four X is 8 24 where we see this is we can think about that being an equal 9 sign for our equation. And we want to know the value of eight X, 10 right? So what I can really do here is solve for X and then 11 multiply it by eight. And then finally I'll be able to get eight X, 12 right? So if I subtract 16 from both sides, 13 I get that four X is equal to eight, 14 right? And so I guess from here, we can do it two ways. 15 Way one is we could solve for X, 16 right? We can say four X is equal to eight and then divide by 17 four. That gives us X is equal to two. 18 Now, if I want to find eight X, I do two times eight and 19 I get 16 is my answer. 20 The other way is that I could take four X equals eight and then 21 multiply both sides by two, because I know two times four is eight X 22 and then eight times two is 16. So there's really two ways to get 23 to the eight X, but either way we should land on the correct, 24 the answer as C.

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