Explanation for Question 38 From the Writing Section on the 2019 October Sat
Now for number, uh, 38, it asks us which choice best sets up the 2 example in the next paragraph. So what we need to do first is look 3 at the next paragraph and see what that example is, 4 right? So it looks at an example is Jack and Draka a high school 5 student who had a medical breakthrough, 6 um, a diagnostic test for pancreatic cancer. 7 That was very cheap. Right. Um, 8 and so he ended up publishing his work for free online using 9 pub med central. And so if we look at our answer choices, 10 right, we see that D talks about innovation stemming from public engagement, 11 with research, right? And so that innovation that we're talking about was his, 12 uh, pancreatic cancer test, which was, 13 they called it a medical breakthrough. Right. And then the public engagement with research 14 is pub med. It was the cheap, 15 um, journal where he could publish his results for free. 16 So answer choice D really corresponds well to all the parts of the next 17 paragraph, but we can also eliminate the other answer choices. 18 If we look at a, it says increased public support from government funding. 19 Now it didn't tell us that, um, Jack was funded by the government. 20 Right. Let's just make sure it doesn't say that here crucial to his 21 work. Yeah. So we don't see that he was funded by the government. 22 So answer choice a is off topic. 23 Now B says improved quality of articles published, 24 right? This, the quality of articles is not the topic here. 25 The topic is really the...