[Video] Q30: Which choice best concludes the paragraph?

Explanation for Question 30 From the Writing Section on the 2019 October Sat

Now question 30 asks us, which of the following best concludes the paragraph. 2 So the best conclusion of the paragraph is going to incorporate information from earlier 3 in the paragraph. And if we look at what the earlier paragraph is about, 4 it talks about important functions on earth, 5 right? And we talk about , um, 6 who does a flood plain mapping project, 7 right? And so he's using this to create topographical maps, 8 um, and when they're going to flood, 9 right? So you can, um, predict when flooding happens. 10 And if we look at answer choice B answer choice B refers to the 11 data from the previous sentence, right. 12 It says combined data. And so now the sentence in B refers back to 13 that data, um, and it helps them, um, 14 anticipate extent of flooding. So it relates back to the floodplain. 15 So the actual project, and it also gives some of the effects, 16 right? 17 Some of the reasons why this project was important, 18 because it could help you make life-saving preparations and save money. 19 So be as strongly related to the prior sentence. 20 And that's why it's the best conclusion, but we can also look at a 21 no change and see why it's not as good right here. 22 It talks about Shipman's profession, right, 23 is a teacher. And this isn't really a story about Schekman it's about his 24 project. And so a lacks the connection to the actual floodplain project. 25 Now, see, he says many companies, you satellite based technology. 26 And again, here, we're not talk...

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