Explanation for Question 22 From the Writing Section on the 2019 October Sat
Now question 22 is asking us, which is most similar to the example already 2 in the sentence. And the example already in the sentence says that we should 3 vantage technology from the bedroom. 4 Um, yeah, it looks like that's the example there. 5 And so we're really talking about ways that we can remove technology just from 6 our daily lives, right? From being always in our face, 7 in our bedroom. And then if we look at the answer choice that they 8 have right now, it says avoid time in front of screens at the end 9 of the day. And this is pretty similar, right? 10 Because it has to do with vanishing technology, 11 right? That would be avoiding time in front of screens. 12 And your bedroom is right. A place that you spend a lot of time, 13 um, that you would go to sleep. So you might expect to be in 14 your bedroom at the end of the day. 15 So you go to sleep. And so a answer choice, 16 a and what they have in the passage are really strongly connected. 17 Now what's wrong with be send different chemical messages to the SCN as this 18 is not something that you can physically do, 19 right? What I've highlighted in green here is an action that a human can 20 decide to take, but you can't decide yourself to send different messages 21 to the super charismatic nucleus. B is a little too sciency, 22 a little too chemical. Whereas what we have in the passage is more straightforward. 23 Here's an action that you can take. Now C says, 24 go to bed. When the sun goes down, this one's cl...