Explanation for Question 51 From the Reading Section on the 2019 October Sat
Question 51 asks according to the graph, 2 which source of lignin resulted in thermoplastic polymer with the greatest 3 tensile strength. So let's look at the graph here. 4 So basically all we need to do here is look at these 5 markers of tensile strength. We can see it's represented by the darker color bar 6 in the bar graph. And you can see that it's measured over here on 7 the left Y axis. And we can see pretty clearly that the highest darker 8 bar is going to be associated with softwood type one. 9 And then the second is going to be softwood type two. 10 So let's look and see if softwood type one is an answer choice. 11 If not, we'll go with softwood type two because it's the second highest. 12 But if we look at the answer choices here, we can see that softwood 13 type one is an answer choice. So it is simply going to be the 14 thermoplastic with the greatest tensile strength or the thermoplastic polymer with the greatest 15 sense of strength, because it had that greatest darker bar in 16 the graph.