[Video] Q37: According to the passage, which choice best states the relationship between the confidence level of someone providing a judgment and the accuracy of that judgment?

Explanation for Question 37 From the Reading Section on the 2019 October Sat

Question 37 says according to the passage what's choice, 2 best states, the relationship between the confidence level of someone providing a judgment and 3 the accuracy of that judgment. So since this question starts off with the phrase, 4 according to the passage, we know that the answer is going to come pretty 5 directly from text evidence. So if we look back into the passage, 6 we can see that the text evidence that's going to help us answer. 7 This question comes starting in line 62. 8 It says confidence and accuracy are positively correlated, 9 but research shows we exaggerate the size of the correlation. 10 So in this case, what they're saying is that confidence and accuracy are in 11 fact related, but sometimes we kind of over-exaggerate that relationship. 12 So let's look at the answer choices here and see which one kind of 13 expresses that caveat of over-exaggeration. 14 So answer choice a says the greater, 15 the confidence level of someone providing a judgment, 16 the less accurate that judgment will usually prove to be in the end answer. 17 Choice is going to be incorrect because they say that confidence and accuracy 18 result in a positive correlation. So as one increases, 19 the other will increase and not the other way around. 20 So this would have to be a different, 21 uh, this would have to be more to express that positive correlation. 22 If you look at answer choice B, it says the greater, 23 the confidence level of someone providing a judgment, 24 the more...

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