[Video] Q33: Which choice best supports the idea that the reassurance provided by binary options extends beyond matters of personal safety?

Explanation for Question 33 From the Reading Section on the 2019 October Sat

Question 33 says which choice best supports the idea that the reassurance provided by 2 binary options extends beyond matters of personal safety. 3 So let's look at the lines of evidence given to us as answer choices 4 here and see which one best supports this idea. 5 Remember, we're looking for elements about reassurance provided by binary 6 options and beyond matters of personal safety. 7 So if we start with answer 8 choice a here lines, 22 through 25, 9 they say, of course, when you're dealing with the pressing existential problems, 10 our ancestors faced, it was rarely necessary to make such fine distinctions. 11 So in this case, you have a mention of matters of personal safety, 12 right? Pressing existential problems, 13 but not anything beyond the matters of personal safety. 14 And you also have a mention of kind of those binary options with this 15 phrase of fine distinctions. But again, 16 it's not going to be direct. 17 And so with that answer choice, 18 it doesn't have really either the elements that we're looking for here. 19 So it's going to be incorrect. If we look at answer choice B lines, 20 39 through 41, they say, again, 21 this is not surprising. If you think about the world in which our brain 22 evolved. So a relatively general line of evidence here, 23 it doesn't possess either of the elements, the reassurance of binary options or beyond 24 personal matters of personal safety. So answer choice B is just entirely too 25 big to be correct here. And then if w...

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