[Video] Q31: Which finding about rivers from the end of the permian period, if true, would best support davies and gibling's argument?

Explanation for Question 31 From the Reading Section on the 2019 October Sat

Question 31 says which finding about reverse from the end of the Permian period, 2 if true would best support Davies and give Ling's argument. 3 So let's look back in the passage here and see what Davies and gambling 4 said about the Permian period. 5 And that might help us. So starting there in line 92 at the very 6 bottom, it says they're scouring the literature for changes preserved from the end of 7 the Permian Permian. When a lot of plant life was wiped out and they 8 say explicitly that they're looking to see if rivers reverted to the older form. 9 So the only thing that we really need to find in the passage to 10 help us answer this question is what the older form that they're referring to 11 is going to be. So we can find that up here, 12 starting in line 23, it says the geologic record indicates that rivers 13 were very shallow, but wide things, almost floods that a lot of rain water 14 to wash from largely Barron solid ground to see. 15 So if they're to find rivers that are shallow and wide, 16 that would support their argument in their findings. 17 So let's look at the answer choices here, 18 and we can see that pretty directly. 19 We can choose answer choice B right off the bat, 20 right? It says directly they were shallow wide and contained relatively little mud. 21 So you find evidence for that answer in those places that we just talked 22 about, but let's talk about why all the other answer choices here are incorrect. 23 If we look at answer choice, it says the...

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