Explanation for Question 15 From the Reading Section on the 2019 October Sat
Question 15 asks about the central idea of passage too. 2 So let's look at the introductory paragraph to passage two and see the kind 3 of information that they're introducing here. Another thing that we can look at is 4 just the title of the passage to kind of get a feel for what 5 it's going to be about. You can find that in that little blurb paragraph 6 before passage one, it says passage two is adopted from Douglas J Amy government 7 is good copyright 2011 by Douglas J Amy. 8 So this passage is going to be some reason why the government is good, 9 pretty general. So let's look at the introductory paragraph to get more information and 10 we can read the first couple of sentences. It says, so why are most 11 people in denial about the beneficial roles that government plays in their lives? 12 There are several answers. First. Most Americans have become so used to the benefits 13 of government that they simply take them for granted. 14 So this makes it more clear that this passage is going to be about 15 the things that people take for granted, 16 considering that their benefits that the government does provide to them. 17 And you can see later on in this passage that they talk about this, 18 or in this paragraph, this introductory paragraph that they talk about this in relation 19 to taxes. So it starts saying about here the 20 in line 51, our failure to notice or appreciate what government does for us 21 has to do with the unique and peculiar nature of government of many go...