[Video] Q30: The equation 9x + 5 = a(x + b), where a and b are constants, has no solutions. which of the following must be true?i. a = 9ii. b = 5iii b is not equal to 5/9

Explanation for Question 30 From the Math (Calc) Section on the 2019 October Sat

Now a number 30, we're given this equation here, 2 right? And we're told that a and B are Constance. 3 No one sat says that something is a constant. 4 It means that there are normal numbers, like one, 5 two negative one. They can be a negative as well or even zero. 6 Um, and they have, or rather they're never going to change. 7 So a will always be the same number and B will always be the 8 same number, but again, a and B don't necessarily have to be equal to 9 each other. Right. So if a and B are normal numbers and 10 there's an a in front of the X, then we can look at this 11 equation here. And just to note, I've already distributed out this a, 12 here we can look at this and we can think about it kind of 13 like a line, right? Because if we think about Y equals MX plus B, 14 the M in front of the B is our S or the M in 15 front of the X is our slope. 16 Right. And we have an a in front of our X here. 17 So it's kind of like our a is our slope of a line at 18 any times, B is a normal number times the normal number, 19 for example, two times three. Right. And that would just be six. 20 So if this is a normal number, then it's kind of like a B 21 right. Cause B is just, again in normal counting number, 22 we can think of eight times B our Y intercept, 23 right? So essentially what we've got going here is two different lines. 24 Y equals nine X plus five. And let me get a different color here. 25 Y equals a X plus a B, and we know that these lines have 26 no solution. Now, 27 i...

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