[Video] Q37: Reach for or reach or reach toward or have an outreach of

Answer Choices

  • reach for

  • reach

  • reach toward

  • have an outreach of

Explanation for Question 37 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys, question 37 is going to be dealing with conciseness. 2 And that means us trying to get our point across in as few words 3 as possible. Now this sentence says, 4 um, I won't read the whole thing. I'll just read the second half scientists 5 and government officials must define it for themselves. 6 And they often reach for different conclusions. 7 Now, what we're trying to say is that the scientists, 8 government officials often come to different conclusions. 9 And we just want to say that in our, in the simplest terms possible, 10 now our option for no change says reach for, 11 but the add, the added usage of four in the sentence is 12 unnecessary and it's damaging our conciseness, 13 making it the wrong answer because reaching implies you're already reaching for it. 14 They're going to reach different conclusions. 15 And you're saying they're going to reach four different conclusions. 16 Does it add anything now, 17 option B that simply says reach that's our most concise and clear point getting 18 across what we're trying to say, which is that they're going to reach come 19 to different conclusions. 20 Now we can just jump through our other answer choices and say they have 21 the same issue as option a reach toward it's the same as saying, 22 reach for, and have an outreach of even longer, 23 less concise, more unnecessary wording added in. 24 And you can see that all of these fall under a similar path, 25 except for option B, meaning that, 26 you know, either way, all of these can't be right. 27 So option B has to be right. That's a way to understand this, 28 even if you didn't understand that we're trying to deal with conciseness and cut 29 out the unnecessary extra stuff.

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