[Video] Q10: Despommier professor of, or despommier, professor of or despommier professor, of or despommier professor of

Answer Choices

  • Despommier professor of,

  • Despommier, professor of

  • Despommier professor, of

  • Despommier professor of

Explanation for Question 10 From the Writing Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 10 reads more experiments 2 are necessary to demonstrate the viability of vertical farms, 3 which Dixon desper Mer professor of public health and environmental health 4 sciences at Columbia university believes can make cities and nearly self-sufficient food 5 producers. So what this question is dealing with here is the use 6 of commas. As we can see in our answer choices, 7 it's just different places of placements of commas within the same sentence. 8 And what this sentence overall is in with is a concept called a positives, 9 which is where we're adding in extra information about an already existing. 10 Now, in this case, that existing, 11 now it's this guy named Dixon desperate. 12 Amir, I don't know if that's actually how you say his last name. 13 Um, I think it's French. I don't know. 14 Um, no idea, um, uh, 15 Dixon desperate mirror. And what we're saying with Dixon desperate Mir is that he's 16 a professor of public health and environmental health sciences at Columbia university. 17 And we're adding on this extra information in the existing sentence. 18 And when we do that, we need to surround just the extra information in 19 commas, not the existing now. 20 So that's gets, if that's getting confusing to you, 21 here's what this should look like. It should look something like, 22 um, uh, Joseph comma, 23 the carpenter comma 24 walked, um, 25 to the store. It doesn't really matter what we add in after it and 26 are a positive is the carpenter right ...

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