Explanation for Question 51 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat
Hey guys. So question 51 is again, 2 asking us to interpret data in the chart. 3 And this one is now going to be jumping into figure two. 4 Whereas the question before was time went figure one. So this says, 5 figure two supports which statement about the relative concentrations of vaccine specific antibodies 6 in control mice and in mice without TLR five. 7 So which statement about the relative concentrations of this, 8 of this, these vaccines specific antibodies is true for 9 control mice and mice without TLR five. 10 So let's go back to this. Let's look at this. 11 And so our two things are the wild, 12 the control and the without TLR five. 13 And we can look at our different concentrations after vaccines specific antibodies. 14 Over time, we see that the concentration and the relative concentration of antibodies is 15 much lower here at the start for those without TLR five 16 versus the control and that they get it gets up to get them closer 17 and then drops down. 18 And it gets a seems to get the highest about almost 19 30 days after the vaccination, maybe like 28 days. 20 So looking at our answer, sorry for clicking through all of it, 21 looking at our answer choices, it seems to be that which is true for 22 both relative concentrations of vaccine specific antibodies and control mice. 23 And in mice, they increased between seven and 28 days after vaccination. 24 So let's take a look at that. That does seem to be true that 25 between seven and 28 days around men, 26 bot...