[Video] Q33: Over the course of the passage, dicken's main focus shifts from

Explanation for Question 33 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 33 asks us over the course of the passage, 2 Dickens main focus shifts from blank to blank, 3 and what's going to happen with these questions. 4 Oftentimes the sat is going to make one half of one of the answers, 5 right. And the other half wrong, because they like to just kind of trick 6 you like that when you identify a certain part of it has been, 7 right. You'll think, oh, that's the right answer, but we need both parts to 8 be right. It needs to go from this correct thing to this correct thing. 9 So thinking back to our passage, 10 it seemed to start out with Dickens here, 11 talking about positive aspects of American they're by nature. 12 Frank Bree of cordial did down here critiquing aspects of American suspicion. 13 So that seems to be our general shift. 14 And let's see what answers fall within this option. 15 A says, defending Americans thickens main focus shifts from defending 16 Americans against the charge of being uncultivated to conceding that Americans would benefit from 17 being more refined. It's really isn't when he's saying at the start, 18 nor is it what he's saying at the end. He's not he's complimenting Americans 19 and he's not really saying that should be more fine. He's saying that need 20 to have better judgment of their politicians and not be so suspicious sort of 21 thing. So that's, that's really wrong. These says describing particular kindness 22 is shown to him by Americans to questioning why Americans are so suspicious of...

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