[Video] Q31: In the passages, caro and larison defend their conclusions by relying on

Explanation for Question 31 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 31 asks us in the passages, 2 Kara and Larice and defend their conclusions by relying on plank. 3 So we need to remember is that these, this question is asking us, 4 what are they relying on overall? 5 That means that we have to select an answer choice. 6 That includes everything they rely on all together. 7 We can't just say one thing that they rely on, 8 this is the same. They defend their conclusions by relying on blank. 9 So what we need to do is figure out which these answer choices encapsulates 10 everything that they rely on. Look at, remember that they relied on data from 11 museums. They relied on maps. 12 They relied on actually like looking at the zebras within the field. 13 They relied on studies regarding where these zebras were living, 14 where they came from. Um, and that's how they sort of figured 15 out what they were working with. 16 Now, let's look their answer choice and figure out which of these encapsulates that, 17 which they relied on overall option a says several experiments, 18 that simulate conditions in nature. 19 Now they weren't really simulating the conditions of nature. 20 Here. There are more observing what was already existing in nature. 21 So this isn't what they relied on. Option B says field observations over the 22 course of several months. Now this is true that it seems like they did 23 rely on field observations as it's true that see, 24 it seems like they did rely on data collected from various museums and maps, 2...

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