Explanation for Question 23 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat
Hey guys. So question 23 asks us according to Laris and in passage two, 2 the reason stripes are particularly beneficial to zebras is probably because Zebra's blank. 3 So let's go back to passage two and let's find what is Larice and 4 saying within this passage. And we see Laris and is quoted 5 in this paragraph where it says Brendan Liris and, 6 and then it quotes him further and saying, lyricism pointed out here. 7 So let's see what he's saying here. He says the wall we kept hitting 8 up against was, well, why does he receive stripes for predation? 9 Other animals have predators and they don't have stripes and other animals get bin 10 by flies and they don't have stripes either. 11 So this is saying that other animals also have to regulate body temperature or 12 thermal regulate Harrison pointed out, but zebras may especially benefit from an extra cooling 13 system because they digest food much less officially in the other grazers in Africa, 14 as such zebras need to spend longer periods of time out in the heat 15 of the midday, sun eating more food. 16 So this is saying that lyricism pointed out that this has probably meaning that 17 their stripes have to do with regulating their temperatures due to the fact that 18 that are out in the mid day sun all the time. 19 And that it's not really related to this, um, 20 business with them getting bitten by flies or running away from predators. 21 It Moore's likely to do with the regulating body temperature. 22 So looking at our a...