[Video] Q21: Which choice best supports the idea that caro's team's study may be relevant to animals other than zebras?

Explanation for Question 21 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 21 asks us which choice specify. 2 What's the idea that Kairos teams study maybe relevant to animals other than zebras. 3 So we had a bunch of assortments of lions here, and let's just go 4 through them and see which ones seem like they're making this study relevant 5 animals other than zebras. So one to six, 6 our first lines, and this is says the question of why zebras have stripes 7 has puzzled scientists, including Darwin for over a century. 8 It leads to five main hypothesis hypotheses, 9 and then it lists the hypotheses. That doesn't seem to mean that these study 10 results are relevant to other species. 11 In fact, this has nothing to do with the study results so we can 12 get rid of option. One of Max's lines, 13 10 to 13, this says we've found again and again and again, 14 that the only factor which is highly associated with striping is to ban biting 15 flies. 16 This again, doesn't mention any other species. 17 It just says that stripes are there to ban biting flies. 18 Maybe you could assume like, okay, well maybe that means stripes and other animals 19 ban biting flies, but it doesn't particularly help us with what we're looking for 20 here. Lines 14 to 16, 21 say for the study care on the colleagues collected data from VR, 22 from a vast range of sources, including museums, 23 collections, and historical maps. This again has nothing to do with other 24 species or the relevancy at other species. 25 And so our last answer choice 31 to 34 is pr...

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