[Video] Q19: According to the graph, how long did it take participants, on average, to perform an easy task when they were alone?

Explanation for Question 19 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question 19 asks us according to the graph, 2 how long did it take participants on average to perform an easy task when 3 they were alone? So let's go back to the graph and just try and 4 read and analyze it. We're going to be looking at participants, 5 uh, performing an easy task, went alone. 6 So it looks to me that our alone category is over here and that 7 are easy task bar is the one, 8 the left, the darker one. And it looks to be at about 16. 9 Uh, I would say that looks to be at about 16 right there. 10 So let's see. And that's 16 seconds. 11 So let's look at our answer choices more than 10 seconds, 12 but less than 15 seconds. Okay. It's not that it's not less than 15, 13 more than 15 seconds. Less than 20 seconds. 14 Okay. That's true. Um, more than 20 seconds, 15 less than 25, that's false and more than 25. 16 Okay. That's also false. So pretty clearly our answer is going to be beef.

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