[Video] Q6: As used in line 34, "concluded" most nearly means

Explanation for Question 6 From the Reading Section on the 2018 March Sat

Hey guys. So question six asks us as used in line 34, 2 concluded most nearly means blank. 3 So let's take a look back at line 34 and before we even read 4 these answer choices, here's what I want you to do. 5 Let's let's do it together. So line 34 here, 6 she would take the book out of my hand, 7 put her finger on the exact word or sentence I had just concluded and 8 hold it there. And China returned, but I want us to do now is 9 just take out concluded and replace it with our own word, 10 what we think fits in here to make sense. 11 And to me, it seems to be saying that she'd take the book on 12 the hand, put the finger on the exact word, a sentence I had just 13 concluded. So she's putting her finger on the sentence that he had just finished 14 that he's just completed. 15 That seems to what she's saying here and hold it there until I returned. 16 So I'd say finished, completed, 17 maybe one of those of your answer choice or something synonymous, 18 because that seems to be what, okay. Yeah. 19 When we see B actually is exactly that. I wasn't even saying that from 20 an instrument and I was genuinely what I was filling in for myself. 21 Um, and the rest of our options just don't work. 22 It's not concluded. It's not like I concluded something in terms like I figured 23 something out. It's not that it's not the side. 24 It's not inferred. As I concluded that he was the killer or dismissed, 25 that doesn't even really make sense. It just seems to be finished. 26 And sometimes when you go back and you fill in your own words, 27 that make sense to you, those can even end up being the right answer. 28 Oftentimes they won't be, oftentimes it'll be something similar to that word. 29 So maybe I figured I'm like, um, 30 completed. And then I come back and completed, 31 I'll finish as closest to completed. That makes sense. 32 Um, and I could pick that. That's how I figure out that question. 33 And any question in that type when you were in.

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