[Video] Q9: Question 9 from the math (no calc) section of 2018 march sat

Explanation for Question 9 From the Math (No Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat

Question nine asks what is the solution to the equation show? 2 So I'm going to start by rewriting this as a cross multiplication. 3 So as three times X plus one is equal 4 to two times X minus one, 5 and I'm going to distribute three X plus three is 6 equal to two X minus two. 7 And then finally, I'm just going to move things to different sides of the 8 equation. So I'm going to subtract two extra, 9 both sides and subtract three from both sides. 10 And I get X is equal to negative 11 five. And so I know that the answer is answer choice.

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