Explanation for Question 5 From the Math (No Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat
Question five asks what are the slope and the Y intercept of the graph 2 in the X, Y plane of the equation, 3 five X plus four Y plus three equals zero. 4 So to find the answer to this question, we're going to use the Y 5 equals MX plus B formula. That formula tells us the equation of a line. 6 We can use that equation to find the slope and the Y intercept, 7 because if Align's equation is in Y equals MX plus B form, 8 we know that M represents the slope and that B represents the Y intercept. 9 So let's take this equation that we've been given five X plus four Y 10 plus three equals zero, 11 and let's put it into Y equals MX plus before, 12 and then use M as our slope and B as our Y intercept. 13 So I'm going to start by moving four Y to the right side. 14 So that gives me five X plus three equals negative four Y, 15 and then I'm going to divide both sides by negative four. 16 So that gives us negative five, over four X plus negative 17 three, over four equals Y. 18 And I know that this negative four is my slope and that negative three 19 over four is my Y intersect. 20 And so I know that the correct answer is answer choice a.