Explanation for Question 15 From the Math (No Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat
Question 15 asks, which of the following expressions is equivalent to negative 2 four X to the third, to the two thirds power. 3 So, first of all, this can be rewritten as under a 4 cube, drew negative four X cubed in parentheses 5 squared. And that's just because whenever something is to a fractional 6 power, it can be rewritten as a whatever the basis to the numerator 7 power, um, under square root to the denominator's power. 8 So that's just what I did here. Now I can rewrite this as route 9 three, negative four squared, 10 which is just 16 and execute, 11 execute squared, which is just X to the six. 12 Now I can actually try to cube Ruthie's so root. 13 I'm just going to separate this into 16 to the third root 14 times, X to the sixth to the third route and 16 15 to the third route can be simplified to two to the, 16 with, uh, times two to the third root. 17 And then XO six to the third root can be simplified as X squared. 18 And then if I just multiply these together, I get two X squared, 19 times two to the cubed root. 20 And so I know that the answer is.