[Video] Q11: Question 11 from the math (no calc) section of 2018 march sat

Explanation for Question 11 From the Math (No Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat

Question 11 asks, which of the following expressions is equivalent to the expression above 2 for X is greater than zero. So to add and subtract like terms here, 3 I need the denominators to be the same. 4 So I'm just going to multiply this fraction on the left by two, 5 over two. And that's going to give us four over six X squared, 6 minus one, over six X squared, 7 which is just equal to three over six X squared. 8 And then I can simplify that divide the top and the bottom by three. 9 And I get one to the third X squared or X squared 10 over three. And that answer is answer choice C.

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