Explanation for Question 28 From the Math (Calc) Section on the 2018 March Sat
Question 28 asks if T is the median commute time of the employees who 2 responded to Tia survey and a is the meeting commute time of the employees 3 who responded to a mere survey. What is the value of T minus a? 4 So first let's find the median of Tia's data. 5 Well, that's 35 and we know that because on these types of data displays, 6 they're called scatter boxes. Whenever there's this line in the middle of the box, 7 that indicates what the median is, and that's at 35. 8 So we know that T is equal to 35 and then we need 9 to find the median of Amir's data. And we can do that by just 10 crossing off points until we get to whatever's in the center. 11 So there are 10 data points at 15, 12 and we'll take 10 from here. Then five from here, 13 five from here, five from here, 14 five from here and 11 from here, 15 11 from here that leaves us with 27. 16 So we know that the median of a mirror's data is I'm sorry, 17 not 27 30. There are 27 data points there, 18 but median is 30. 19 And then we just have to do T minus a, 20 so 35 minus 30, 21 and that gives us five or answers.